Viewing Troupe Record: King's Men (1625-1642)

Name, as appears in Primary Sources

His Late MAJESTIES Servants
in event: The King's Men performed 'The Guardian' at the Blackfriars
His Majesties Servants
in event: The King's Men performed 'The Goblins' at the Blackfriars
His late MAIESTIES servants
in event: King's Men performed 'The Bashful Lover' at the Blackfriars
King's Comp.
in event: Denham's 'The Sophy' is licensed to the King's Men
King[s] Players
in event: The Lord Chamberlain's office issues a warrant in payment to the King's Men for performances at Court
Kinges company
in event: The King's Men pay Sir Henry Herbert for the benefit of a winter's day
Kings Comp
in event: Habington's 'Queen of Aragon' is licensed to the King's Men
Kings players
in event: Sir Henry Herbert licenses 'The Loyal Subject' for the King's Men
Kings servantes
in event: The Lord Chamberlain forbids the printing of plays without permission from the playing companies
The Kings Company
in event: Thomas Crosfield records theatres and actors of the five main London companies
his Ma[jes]t[ies] Players
in event: The Lord Chamberlain's office grants an allowance to the King's Men for liveries
his Maiestes servauntes
in event: John Heminges makes his will
his Maiesties Seruants
in event: Carew insults the players of the Red Bull and Cockpit as an 'untuned kennel'
his Maiesties Seruants
in event: The King's Men performed 'The Fatal Dowry' at the Blackfriars
his Maiesties Servantes the Players
in event: John Honyman makes his will
his Maiesties servantes the players
in event: John Shank makes his will
his Majesities Servants
in event: The King's Men performed Brome's 'The Novella' at the Blackfriars
his Majesties Servants
in event: The King's Men performed 'Arviragus and Philicia' at the Blackfriars
his Majesties Servants
in event: The King's Men performed 'The Wits' at the Blackfriars
his Majesties Servants
in event: The King's Men performed 'The Woman Hater'
his Mate seruants the Company at Blackfryers
in event: The Lord Chamberlain's office issues a warrant to the King's Men for performances at Court
his late MAIESTIES Servants
in event: King's Men performed 'A Very Woman' at the Blackfriars
his late MAIESTIES Servants
in event: The King's Men performed 'The Deserving Favourite' at the Blackfriars
his late MAIESTIES Servants
in event: The King's Men performed 'Alphonsus, Emperor of Germany' at the Blackfriars
king's company
in event: Massinger's 'The Fair Anchoress of Pausilippo' is licensed to the King's Men
kinges company
in event: The King's Men pay Herbert for benefit of a summer's day
kinges company
in event: The King's Men pay Sir Henry Herbert for the benefit of a winter's day
kings company
in event: 'Fatal Friendship' is licensed to the King's Men
kings company
in event: The King's Men pay Herbert for benefit of a summer's day
kings company
in event: Sir Henry Herbert accepts the benefit of a summer's day from the King's Men
kings company
in event: The King's Men pay Sir Henry Herbert for the restoration of their liberty post-plague
the Company of Players
in event: The churchwardens and constables of St Saviour's parish submit a report on the Globe property
the K. players
in event: King's Men perform 'Richard III' at St James' Palace
the King's Company
in event: The Lord Chamberlain hosts a play for the King and Queen at the Cockpit-at-Court
the King's Players
in event: The Faithful Shepherdess is acted at Somerset House for Twelfth Night
the Kings Maiesties Servants
in event: 'The Two Noble Kinsmen' refers to Curtis Greville in stage directions
the Kings Maiesties Servants
in event: Stage directions in 'The Two Noble Kinsmen' name Thomas Tuckfield and Curtis Greville
the Kings Majesties Servants
in event: King's Men performed 'The Unnatural Combat' at the Globe
the Kings Seruants
in event: The King's Men performed 'The New Inn' at court
the Kings servants
in event: The King's Men performed 'The Royal Slave' at Hampton Court
the black fryers Company
in event: John Rhodes is arrested for selling plays belonging to the King's Men
the king's company
in event: Sir Henry Herbert licenses Massinger's 'The Roman Actor' to the King's Men
the king's company
in event: Sir Henry Herbert licenses Massinger's 'The Judge' to the King's Men
the king's company
in event: Sir Henry Herbert licenses Massinger's 'The Picture' to the King's Men
the king's company
in event: Sir Henry Herbert licenses Massinger's 'Minerva's Sacrifice' to the King's Men
the king's company
in event: Sir Henry Herbert licenses Massinger's 'The Emperor of the East' to the King's Men
the king's company
in event: Sir Henry Herbert licenses Massinger's 'Believe As You List' to the King's Men
the king's company
in event: Sir Henry Herbert licenses Massinger's 'The City Madam' to the King's Men
the king's company
in event: Sir Henry Herbert licenses Massinger's 'The Guardian' to the King's Men
the king's company
in event: Sir Henry Herbert licenses Massinger's 'The Tragedy of Cleander' to the King's Men
the king's company
in event: Sir Henry Herbert licenses Massinger's 'A Very Woman' to the King's Men
the king's company
in event: Sir Henry Herbert licenses Massinger's 'The Orator' to the King's Men
the king's company
in event: Sir Henry Herbert licenses Massinger's 'The Bashful Lover' to the King's Men
the king's company
in event: Sir Henry Herbert licenses Massinger's 'The King and the Subject' to the King's Men
the king's company
in event: Sir Henry Herbert licenses Massinger's 'The Fair Anchoress of Pausilippo' to the King's Men
the kinges company
in event: The King's Men award the Master of Revels the benefit of two days a year, one in ...
their company
in event: The King's Men pay Sir Henry Herbert for the benefit of a winter's day

Active Dates

From: 6 March 1599 To: 1652 (Source of claim: undefined)


Stuart, Charles (1600-1648/9)

Related Events

Troupe type

  • adult players

Country of origin

  • England