Viewing Event Record: Requests, King's Men vs Brend: A statement of fact provides legal and financial details of the Globe's history


In the Court of Requests suit between the King's Men and the owner of the property of the Globe playhouse, Sir Matthew Brend, Richard Lane and John White submit a 'statement of fact,' outlining the circumstances behind the players' claims for an extended lease. The statement quotes extensively from the original lease on the Globe property. According to the terms of the lease, Nicholas Brend grants the Globe consortium the legal right to make any changes to buildings on the Globe property, 'so as there be as good or better re-edified and built on the premises within a year then next ensuing.' The lessees agree on their part to keep the property in good repair, and to leave all edifices and buildings as they stand, 'or others as good and convenient for the place,' at the expiration of the leases. The plaintiffs contend that after leasing the property, they spent a further £700 in building the playhouse. After 'being burnt down by Casualtie of fier' within the original term, the players spent an additional £1000 to rebuild the playhouse with the understanding that the investment would entail an extension of the lease term. Brend was fourteen at the time of the signing of the extension agreement that would come into effect when he came of age, also endorsed by his mother and uncle. Sir John Bodley also held an interest in the property, and out of consideration for the 'said losse by fire and charge of new building' moved to extend the lease by six years from the end of the original lease of 'one and thirty yeeres.' The plaintiffs sue for an extension of their lease for nine years from the end of Bodley's extension, an agreement that Brend has so far declined.

Date Event Recorded

From: 5 February 1634 (Source of claim: original)

Date Event Happened

From: 5 February 1634 (Source of claim: original)


Globe (II)
Globe (I)


Name Event Role(s) Document Role(s)
Brend, Matthew defendant heir, knight
Brend, Nicholas landowner deceased, father
Bodley, John lessor knight, uncle
Burbage, Cuthbert plaintiff lessee

Event Type

  • company business
  • company context
  • court case
  • playhouse business
  • playhouse context

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