Viewing Event Record: John Honyman makes his will


On 7 April 1636, John Honyman makes his will. He leaves one half of his estate, consisting of 'ready money debtes Apparell bookes or what some or sommes shall grow due vnto mee from & amongst my ffellowes the Players,' to his mother, and the other half to be 'disposed of by her' for the benefit of his brother. Honyman also leaves for each of the King's Men 'a ring of ten shillinges price.'

Date Event Recorded

From: 7 April 1636 (Source of claim: transcription)

Date Event Happened

From: 7 April 1636 (Source of claim: transcription)



King's Men (1625-1642)


Name Event Role(s) Document Role(s)
Honyman, Richard brother
Sweetman, Ellen legatee
Sweetman, John legatee
Honyman, John testator
Browne, William witness
Benfield, Robert witness
Burbage, William witness

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Event Type

  • company context
  • player context
  • will