Viewing Event Record: The Lord Chamberlain's office grants an allowance to the King's Men for liveries


The Lord Chamberlain's Office grants the King's Men an allowance for liveries, comprising for each 'ffoure yard[s] of Bastard Skarlet for a Cloake & a q[ua]ryer of a yard of Crimson Veluet for the Cape.' This is noted as 'the vsuall Allowance graunted vnto them by his Ma[jes]tye euery second yeare and due at Easter last past.'

Date Event Recorded

From: 6 May 1629 (Source of claim: original)

Date Event Happened

From: 6 May 1629 (Source of claim: original)



King's Men (1625-1642)


Name Event Role(s) Document Role(s)
Heminges, John player
Lowin, John player
Taylor, Joseph player
Robinson, Richard player
Shank, John player
Benfield, Robert player
Sharpe, Richard player
Swanston, Elliard player
Pollard, Thomas player
Smith, Anthony player
Hobbes, Thomas player
Penn, William player
Vernon, George player
Horne, James player

Related Primary Sources

Event Type

  • company business
  • livery grant
  • warrant