Viewing Event Record: Requests, King's Men vs Brend: The defense presents its interrogatories


In a Court of Requests suit between the King's Men and the owner of the property of the Globe playhouse, Sir Matthew Brend, the defense presents four interrogatories to be presented to witnesses. They pertain to knowledge of the Globe and the history of the property on which it stands, the potential value of the rent for those lands when put to use for the building of tenements, and the value of the playhouse materials and their suitability as recompense for an extended lease.

Date Event Recorded

From: before 1 October 1634 (Source of claim: externally supplied)

Date Event Happened

From: before 1 October 1634 (Source of claim: externally supplied)


Globe (II)


King's Men (1625-1642)


Name Event Role(s) Document Role(s)
Brend, Matthew defendant knight
Burbage, Cuthbert plaintiff

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Event Type

  • company business
  • company context
  • court case
  • playhouse business
  • playhouse context

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