Viewing Event Record: The King's Men petition the Master of Revels to prohibit another company's witch play until their own witch play is performed


The King's Players send a petition to Henry Herbert, Master of the Revels, complaining that another company is planning to present an old play with new scenes about witches, to the prejudice of their own projected 'Comedy of the Lancashire witches.' They ask that the other company's play be prohibited until their own is allowed.

Date Event Recorded

From: 20 July 1634 (Source of claim: original)

Date Event Happened

From: 20 July 1634 (Source of claim: original)



Name Event Role(s) Document Role(s)
Herbert, Henry Master of the Revels
Blagrave, William deputy

Event Type

  • audience context
  • company business
  • cultural context
  • performance
  • performance restraint