Viewing Troupe Record: King's Men (1603-1625)

Name, as appears in Primary Sources

'his Majestie . . . his servaunts'
in event: The Chamberlain's Men are newly incorporated as the King's Men: the docket
Burbage's company
in event: The Globe burns: Thomas Lorkin
His Maiesties Servants
in event: The King's Men performed 'The Devil is an Ass'
His Maiesties Servants
in event: The King's Men performed 'The Staple of News'
His Majesties Servants
in event: The King's Men performed 'The Mayor of Queenborough' at the Blackfriars
His late Majesties Servants
in event: The King's Men performed 'The Widow' at the Blackfriars
King's Company
in event: 'The Foolish Ambassador' is licensed to the King's Men
King's Company
in event: The license for Middleton's 'More Dissemblers Besides Women' is renewed for the King's Men
King's comp[y]
in event: Fletcher's 'The Wandering Lovers' is licensed to the King's Men
Kings Company
in event: Sir John Astley receives a New Year's gratuity from the King's Men
Les comédiens q[ue] l'on appelle du Roy
in event: Don Carlos Coloma writes to the King about 'A Game at Chess'
Li comedianti
in event: Alvise Valaresso reports that 'A Game at Chess' has been forbidden
Los comediantes que aqui llaman al Rey
in event: Spanish ambassador reports on 'A Game at Chess' controversy
Plaiers to the King
in event: King's, Queen's and Prince's companies are allowed to perform at the Globe, Fortune and Curtain after Lent
in event: Players are given livery cloth for King James's royal entrance to London
The King Players
in event: The King's Men and Prince Charles' Men are allowed cloth to wear in King James' funeral procession
The players
in event: King's Men forbidden from playing following 'A Game at Chess' controversy: Francis Nethersole
bthe Princes players
in event: Thomas Salisbury describes Middleton's 'A Game at Chess' in a verse letter
his Ma[jes]tes Players
in event: John Heminges accepts £90 on behalf of the King's Men for nine plays performed at Court
his Ma[jes]ties Plaiers
in event: Chancery, Evans vs Kirkham: Evans responds to Kirkham's statement
his Ma[tes] Players
in event: John Heminges accepts £30 on behalf of the King's Men for performances at Greenwich and Hampton Court
his Ma[tes] Players
in event: John Heminges accepts £30 on behalf of the King's Men for performances at Greenwich and Hampton Court
his Maiestie...the Company of his comedians
in event: Lord Chamberlain reports on the King's wishes regarding 'A Game at Chess'
his Maiesties Seruants
in event: The King's Men performed 'A King and No King' at the Blackfriars
his Maiesties Seruants
in event: The King's Men perform 'A King and No King' at the Globe
his Maiesties Servants
in event: Ben Jonson commends Richard Brome for having served his 'apprenticeship' as a playwright
his Maiesties seruants
in event: The King's Men performed 'The Duke of Milan' at Blackfriars
his Majesties Servants
in event: The King's Men performed 'The Woman Hater'
his Majesties Servants
in event: The King's Men performed 'The Faithful Shepherdess' at the Blackfriars
his ma[jes]tes Players
in event: The King's Men are granted an allowance for their services during the Spanish Ambassador's visit
his ma[jes]tes comedians
in event: Richard Burbage accepts £30 on behalf of the King's Men for 'mayntenuance and releife' during plague time
his ma[tes] plaiers
in event: The King's Men are paid for 'private practise' during plague closures
king's players
in event: Herbert re-licenses 'an olde playe called Winter's Tale' to the King's Men
kinges plaiers
in event: The Mayor and Aldermen of London try to block Philip Rosseter's plans for a new playhouse at ...
kings players
in event: The King's Men perform 'The Alchemist' at Whitehall
our welbeloved servants
in event: King's Men receive a royal patent to perform at the Globe, Blackfriars, and elsewhere
the Companie
in event: Secretary Conway responds to the Privy Council on the matter of Middleton's 'A Game at Chess'
the K. company
in event: The King's Men perform 'The Maid in the Mill' at Whitehall
the K. company
in event: The King's Men perform 'The Wandering Lovers' at Whitehall
the K. company
in event: The King's Men perform 'The Winter's Tale' at Whitehall
the King's Company; the King's Servants
in event: Fletcher's 'A Wife for a Month' is licensed to the King's Men
the King's Majesty's Servants
in event: The King's Men performed Jonson's 'Volpone'
the King's Servants
in event: The King's Men performed 'The Picture' at the Globe and Blackfriars
the King's players
in event: The King's Men perform 'The Spanish Curate' at Whitehall
the King's players
in event: The King's Men perform 'The Beggar's Bush' at Whitehall
the King's players
in event: The King's Men perform 'The Pilgrim' at Whitehall
the Kings MAIESTIES Seruants
in event: The King's Men performed 'Catiline'
the Kings Maiesties Seruants
in event: The King's Men performed 'The Emperor of the East' at the Globe and Blackfriars
the Kings Maiesties Seruants
in event: The King's Men performed 'Thierry, King of France' at the Blackfriars
the Kings Maiesties Seruants
in event: The King's Men performed 'The Maid's Tragedy' at the Blackfriars
the Kings Maiesties Servants
in event: The King's Men performed 'Two Noble Kinsmen' at the Blackfriars
the Kings Maiesties Servants
in event: The King's Men performed 'The Two Noble Kinsmen' at the Blackfriars
the Kings Maiesties Servants
in event: The King's Men performed 'The Revenger's Tragedy'
the Kings Maiesties servants
in event: The King's Men performed 'The Malcontent'
the Kings Majesties Servants
in event: The King's Men performed 'The Roman Actor' at the Blackfriars
the Kings Players
in event: Jonson's 'The Masque of Christmas' describes thew recruitment of boy players for the King's Men
the Kings Players
in event: Edward Conway to the Privy Council: The King responds to the controversy over 'A Game at Chess'
the Kings Players
in event: The Privy Council writes to Secretary Conway on the matter of Middleton's 'A Game at Chess'
the Kings Players
in event: Jonson's 'The Staple of News' makes reference to 'A Game at Chess' controversy
the Kings company
in event: The King's Men perform 'More Dissemblers Besides Women' at Whitehall
the Kings company
in event: The King's Men perform 'Rule a Wife and Have a Wife' at Whitehall
the Kings company
in event: The King's Men perform 'the First part of Sir John Falstaff' at Whitehall
the Kings company
in event: The King's Men perform 'Rule a Wife and Have a Wife' at Whitehall
the Players
in event: The King's Men act 'A Game at Chess' daily: Woolley to Trumbull
the Players
in event: The King's Men 'silenste' and Middleton sought for 'A Game at Chess' controversy: John Woolley
the king's servants
in event: Fletcher's 'The Devil of Dowgate' is licensed to the King's Men
the plaiers
in event: Salvetti to Scudamore: 'Gondemar is dailie upon the stage'
the players
in event: 'A Game at Chess' makes 100l daily: Nethersole to Carleton
the public players
in event: Amerigo Salvetti reports on Middleton's 'A Game at Chess'
their company
in event: The Red Bull Company is not allowed to perform Shakespeare's plays

Active Dates

From: circa 1570 To: 1652 (Source of claim: undefined)


Stuart, James (1566-1625)

Related Events

Troupe type

  • adult players

Country of origin

  • England