Viewing Event Record: Augustine Phillips' will is registered


Augustine Phillips makes his will on 4 May 1605; the will is registered 13 May 1605. His wife and executrix, Anne Phillips, receives one third of his property, and his three daughters another third; the remainder goes toward the execution of the estate, and to numerous smaller bequests. Among the latter are sums of money to members of the King's Men, and clothing and instruments to Phillips' apprentices. Phillips makes Anne, his executrix on the condition that she remains a widow. If she remarries, then John Heminges, Richard Burbage, William Sly and Timothy Whithorne become his executors.

Date Event Recorded

From: 13 May 1605 (Source of claim: original)

Date Event Happened

From: 4 May 1605 (Source of claim: original)


Globe (I)


King's Men (1603-1625)


Name Event Role(s) Document Role(s)
Phillips, Magdalen beneficiary daughter
Phillips, Anne beneficiary daughter
Phillips, Rebecca beneficiary daughter
Bennett, Agnes beneficiary mother
Webb, William beneficiary brother
Webb, James beneficiary brother
Gough, Elizabeth beneficiary
Borne, Myles beneficiary nephew
Borne, Phillips beneficiary nephew
Shakespeare, William beneficiary
Condell, Henry beneficiary
Beeston, Christopher beneficiary
Fletcher, Lawrence beneficiary
Armin, Robert beneficiary
Cowley, Richard beneficiary
Cooke, Alexander beneficiary
Tooley, Nicholas beneficiary
Gilburne, Samuel beneficiary apprentice
Sands, James beneficiary apprentice
Heminges, John executor, alternate
Burbage, Richard executor, alternate
Slye, William executor, alternate
Whithorne, Timothy executor, alternate
Phillips, Anne executrix wife
Borne, Margery sister
Phillips, Augustine testator
Gough, Robert witness
Shepherd, William witness

Event Type

  • bequest
  • company context
  • cultural context
  • player context
  • staging context
  • will