Viewing Troupe Record: King's Revels (1629-1637)

Name, as appears in Primary Sources

Children of the Reuells
in event: King's Revels Company perform three plays at Whitehall
Players of Salisbury Court
in event: King's Revels company performs at Hampton Court
Salisbury Court players
in event: 'Love's Aftergame' is performed at St James' Palace
children of the revels
in event: The Earl of Dorset leases land for a playhouse: Sir George Gresley's letter
his Majesties Servants
in event: Brome's 'The Court Beggar' is performed at the Phoenix/Cockpit
the then Company of Revels
in event: 'The Sparagus Garden' is performed at Salisbury Court
ye Company of players of Salsbury Court
in event: Thomas Crosfield records theatres and actors of the five main London companies

Active Dates

From: 15 October 1629 To: circa 1640 (Source of claim: undefined)


Stuart, Charles (1600-1648/9)

Troupe type

  • adult players

Country of origin

  • England