Viewing Event Record: Requests, Blagrave vs Babham: Babham responds


Christopher Babham responds to William Blagrave's bill of complaint by flatly denying Blagrave's statement that Stephen Hammerton had been apprenticed to William Perry. Babham instead says that Hammerton is an apprentice of William Waverly, merchant taylor, and that Hammerton dwells with Babham by 'the good will and permission' of Waverly.

Date Event Recorded

From: 18 June 1632 (Source of claim: original)

Date Event Happened

From: August 1630 To: 18 June 1632 (Source of claim: transcription)


Salisbury Court


Name Event Role(s) Document Role(s)
Hammerton, Stephen apprentice player
Babham, Christopher defendant company manager
Waverly, William merchant tailor citizen
Blagrave, William plaintiff company manager, Master of Revels, deputy

Related Primary Sources

Event Type

  • company business
  • company context
  • court case
  • player context