Viewing Troupe Record: Beeston's Boys

Name, as appears in Primary Sources

A company of boyes
in event: Sir Henry Herbert sends four players to join the Salisbury Court company
Cockpit Company
in event: 'The Princely Lovers' is licensed to the Cockpit company
Cockpit Company
in event: Cox's 'The Noble Revels' is licensed to the Cockpit company
Cockpit Company
in event: 'The Chevaliers' is licensed to the Cockpit company
Cockpit company
in event: Requests, Salisbury Court vs Brome: Richard Brome responds to the charges
Cockpitt Players
in event: Royal company players are sworn Grooms of the Chamber and William Beeston resumes governorship of the Phoenix/Cockpit
Companie . . . of the Phoenixe in Drury Lane
in event: Requests, Salisbury Court vs Brome: The owners and players state their case
a company of boyes
in event: Christopher Beeston is commanded to assemble a boy company for a same-day performance
both their Ma[ts] Servants
in event: The Privy Council orders playing companies, 'as also the Keepers of Paris Garden,' to shut down their ...
the B. boyes
in event: Beeston's Boys perform 'Wit Without Money'
the B. boyes
in event: Beeston's Boys perform 'Cupid's Revenge'
the Company for the King and Queenes service
in event: Christopher Beeston drafts his will
the Company of Players of the Cockpitt
in event: The Cockpit/Phoenix company is ordered to cease playing because they performed an unlicensed play
the King[es] and Queenes boyes
in event: Christopher Beeston is made the governor of a new company of the King's and Queen's Boys
the Kings and Queens young Company of Actors
in event: William Beeston is made the governor of King's and Queen's Boys
the kinges and Queenes young Company of Players
in event: The Cockpit/Phoenix repertory is granted official protection against performances by other companies
the new Company
in event: Christopher Beeston is paid for court performances by Queen Henrietta Maria's Men and his new company
their Majesties Servants
in event: The prologue of the 'Ladies' Privilege' addresses audience expectations
ye Kings & Queenes young Company
in event: The Lord Chamberlain forbids the printing of plays without permission from the playing companies
ye young Company at ye Cockpitt Players
in event: Players of the Cockpit/Phoenix are given certificates of privilege

Active Dates

From: 1632 To: 1642 (Source of claim: externally supplied)


France, Henrietta Maria of (1609-1669)
Stuart, Charles (1600-1648/9)


AKA King and Queen's Young Company, Cockpit Company

Related Events

Troupe type

  • boy players

Country of origin

  • England