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Viewing Troupe Record: Admiral's Men
Name, as appears in Primary Sources
Earle of Nottingham, Lord high Admirall of England his Seruants
in event:
The Admiral's Men perform Dekker's 'Old Fortunatus' for the Queen
Edward Allen . . . and his companye
in event:
The Earl of Nottingham writes the Justices of Middlesex to allow the building of the Fortune
Edward Allen and his Companie. Servantes to me the Earle of Nottingham
in event:
The Privy council orders the Justices of Middlesex to allow the construction of the Fortune
Lord Admeralle men
in event:
Henslowe records performance receipts from the Rose
Lord Admeralle men
in event:
Henslowe records performance receipts from the Rose and Newington Butts
Lord Admirals men
in event:
Greene is accused of selling 'Orlando Furioso' to two different companies
Nottingham's Men
in event:
Members of the royal family take playing companies under their patronage
Nottingham's Men
in event:
Henslowe records performance receipts from the Rose
Servantes of the right honorable Earle of Nottingham
in event:
The inhabitants of Finsbury petition the privy council to allow the construction of the Fortune
admeralles meane
in event:
Henslowe tallies expenses related to the Admiral's Men
lod admeralles meane
in event:
Henslowe records loans to Admiral's Men players and playwrights
lord admerall players
in event:
Henslowe records loans to Admiral's Men
lord admeralles
in event:
Henslowe records performance receipts from the Rose
lord admeralles players
in event:
Henslowe records bonds with players of the Admiral's Men
lord admeralles players
in event:
Henslowe tallies expenses related to the Admiral's Men
lorde admeralles mean
in event:
Henslowe records performance receipts from the Rose
mr lord of notingame men
in event:
Henslowe records loans to Admiral's Men
my lord admeralles mean
in event:
Henslowe engages William Borne for the Admiral's Men
the company
in event:
Alleyn leases part of the Fortune to Henslowe
the company
in event:
Henslowe lends money to players of the Admiral's Men
the company of the fortune
in event:
Robert Shaw sells 'The Four Sons of Aymon' to Henslowe and the Admiral's Men
the right honorable the Lord Admyrall, his seruantes
in event:
The Admiral's Men perform Marlowe's 'Tamburlaine' on multiple stages in London
Active Dates
From: circa 1570 To: 13 March 1646 (Source of claim: externally supplied)
Howard, Charles (1536-1624)
AKA Nottingham's Men
Related Events
The Blind Beggar of Alexandria was performed by the Lord Admiral's Men
The Admiral's Men perform Dekker's 'Old Fortunatus' for the Queen
The Privy Council restrains playing spaces, troupes and performance times
Privy Council assigns the combined Oxford and Worcester's Men to play at the Boar's Head
Members of the royal family take playing companies under their patronage
Alleyn leases part of the Fortune to Henslowe
The inhabitants of Finsbury petition the privy council to allow the construction of the Fortune
The Privy council orders the Justices of Middlesex to allow the construction of the Fortune
The Earl of Nottingham writes the Justices of Middlesex to allow the building of the Fortune
Henslowe pays Alleyn his share of the first week's take at the new Fortune
Henslowe purchases the playbook of 'Tamar Cham' from Alleyn on behalf of a company
A manuscript outlines the plot and stage business of 'Tamar Cham'
The Lords Admiral and Chamberlain ask the Privy Council to prevent a third company from playing
Greene is accused of selling 'Orlando Furioso' to two different companies
The Admiral's Men perform Marlowe's 'Tamburlaine' on multiple stages in London
Henslowe lists plays performed by the Lord Admiral's and Chamberlain's men
A spy writes to Secretary Walsingham of London's debauched theatre scene
Henslowe records charges related to the maintenance of the Rose
Henslowe lends money to players of the Admiral's Men
Henslowe records bonds with players of the Admiral's Men
Henslowe loans William Bird one pound to pay for his arrest by Langley
Henslowe tallies expenses related to the Admiral's Men
Henslowe assumes the apprenticeship of James Bristow
Henslowe tallies expenses related to the Admiral's Men
Henslowe records bonds with players of the Admiral's Men
Henslowe writes to Edward Alleyn about the acquisition of the Beargarden
Robert Shaw sells 'The Four Sons of Aymon' to Henslowe and the Admiral's Men
Rowlands describes Alleyn's appearance as Faustus onstage
Guilpin describes Alleyn's 'gait' onstage
Samuel Rowley advises Henslowe to purchase 'Conquest of the Indies'
Samuel Rowley urges Philip Henslowe to pay authors of 'The Six Yeomen of the West'
Samuel Rowley urges Philip Henslowe to pay John Day and William Haughton
Robert Shaw advises Philip Henslowe to commission a play
Samuel Rowley writes to Philip Henslowe about the play 'John of Gaunt'
Patrick Brewe writes to Edward Alleyn about the land of the Fortune theatre
Patrick Brewe writes to Edward Alleyn about the sale of the Gill family property
Patrick Brewe writes Edward Alleyn for Fortune theatre ground-rent
Robert Browne seeks employment for a player's wife from Alleyn
Edward Alleyn lists costume inventory
Henslowe records loans to Admiral's Men players and playwrights
Henslowe makes frequent payment to the office of Edmund Tilney
Lord Mayor to Privy Council: Lord Strange's Men play at Cross Keys in defiance of a city-wide order
Henslowe lends 40s to William Borne to pay for a play by 'Maxton' [Marston], a new playwright
Henslowe engages William Borne for the Admiral's Men
Henslowe lends the Admiral's Men 10s to hold a read-through
Henslowe lends the Admiral's Men £4 5s to complete the payment for a new play
Henslowe notes that he has received Ben Jonson's 'share'
Richard Alleyn binds himself to Philip Henslowe
Henslowe lends Thomas Downton 30s to pay George Chapman for two plays
Henslowe loans the Admiral's Men 30s on the first night of 'Dido'
Henslowe loans Thomas Downton £3 toward purchases for the second part of 'Cardinal Wolsey'
Henslowe records performance receipts from the Rose
Henslowe records performance receipts from the Rose
Henslowe records performance receipts from the Rose
Henslowe records performance receipts from the Rose
Henslowe records performance receipts from the Rose
Henslowe records performance receipts from the Rose
Henslowe records performance receipts from the Rose
Henslowe records performance receipts from the Rose
Henslowe records performance receipts from the Rose
Henslowe records performance receipts from the Rose
Henslowe records performance receipts from the Rose
Henslowe records performance receipts from the Rose
Henslowe records performance receipts from the Rose
Henslowe records performance receipts from the Rose
Henslowe records performance receipts from the Rose
Henslowe records performance receipts from the Rose
Henslowe records performance receipts from the Rose
Henslowe records loans to Admiral's Men players and playwrights
Henslowe records loan repayments from Edward Alleyn
Henslowe records loans to Admiral's Men
Stage plot describes performance structure of 'Frederick and Basilea' at the Rose playhouse
Henslowe records loans to Admiral's Men
Henslowe records loans to Admiral's Men
Henslowe records loans to Admiral's Men
Henslowe records loans to William Bird
Henslowe records bonds with Admiral's Men
Henslowe records loans to Admiral's Men
Henslowe drafts contract for a 'couenante servante'
Henslowe records loans to Admiral's Men
Henslowe records performance receipts from the Rose and Newington Butts
Henslowe lends money to Dekker and Chettle for a play called 'Troyeles & creasse daye'
Henslowe lends Dekker and Chettle a second sum for a play called 'Troyelles and Cresseda'
Henslowe pays Dekker and Chettle for a play called 'the tragede of Agamemnon' [Troilus and Cressida]
Henslowe pays Dekker and Chettle the final sum for a play called 'Agamemnon' [Troilus and Cressida]
An inventory of the theatrical goods of the Admiral's men provides details of costumes and props
An inventory of the theatrical goods of the Admiral's men provides details of costumes and props
A list of playbooks provides insight into the repertory of the Admiral's men
A note of goods purchased for the Admiral's men provides details of the company's apparel
Troupe type
adult players
Country of origin