Viewing Troupe Record: Admiral's Men

Name, as appears in Primary Sources

Earle of Nottingham, Lord high Admirall of England his Seruants
in event: The Admiral's Men perform Dekker's 'Old Fortunatus' for the Queen
Edward Allen . . . and his companye
in event: The Earl of Nottingham writes the Justices of Middlesex to allow the building of the Fortune
Edward Allen and his Companie. Servantes to me the Earle of Nottingham
in event: The Privy council orders the Justices of Middlesex to allow the construction of the Fortune
Lord Admeralle men
in event: Henslowe records performance receipts from the Rose
Lord Admeralle men
in event: Henslowe records performance receipts from the Rose and Newington Butts
Lord Admirals men
in event: Greene is accused of selling 'Orlando Furioso' to two different companies
Nottingham's Men
in event: Members of the royal family take playing companies under their patronage
Nottingham's Men
in event: Henslowe records performance receipts from the Rose
Servantes of the right honorable Earle of Nottingham
in event: The inhabitants of Finsbury petition the privy council to allow the construction of the Fortune
admeralles meane
in event: Henslowe tallies expenses related to the Admiral's Men
lod admeralles meane
in event: Henslowe records loans to Admiral's Men players and playwrights
lord admerall players
in event: Henslowe records loans to Admiral's Men
lord admeralles
in event: Henslowe records performance receipts from the Rose
lord admeralles players
in event: Henslowe records bonds with players of the Admiral's Men
lord admeralles players
in event: Henslowe tallies expenses related to the Admiral's Men
lorde admeralles mean
in event: Henslowe records performance receipts from the Rose
mr lord of notingame men
in event: Henslowe records loans to Admiral's Men
my lord admeralles mean
in event: Henslowe engages William Borne for the Admiral's Men
the company
in event: Alleyn leases part of the Fortune to Henslowe
the company
in event: Henslowe lends money to players of the Admiral's Men
the company of the fortune
in event: Robert Shaw sells 'The Four Sons of Aymon' to Henslowe and the Admiral's Men
the right honorable the Lord Admyrall, his seruantes
in event: The Admiral's Men perform Marlowe's 'Tamburlaine' on multiple stages in London

Active Dates

From: circa 1570 To: 13 March 1646 (Source of claim: externally supplied)


Howard, Charles (1536-1624)


AKA Nottingham's Men

Related Events

Troupe type

  • adult players

Country of origin

  • England