Viewing Event Record: The Privy Council issues a restraint on playing during plague time


To prevent further plague outbreaks, the Privy Council issues a restraint to the Lord Mayor of London prohibiting 'publique playes or enterludes' of any kind 'within five miles distance from London' until there is a reduced risk of infection.

Date Event Recorded

From: 3 February 1593 To: 3 February 1593 (Source of claim: transcription)

Date Event Happened

From: 3 February 1593 (Source of claim: transcription)




Name Event Role(s) Document Role(s)
Fortescue, John Lord Chancellor signatory
Buckhurst, Thomas Lord Treasurer signatory
Whitgift, John archbishop of Canterbury signatory
Howard, Charles lord admiral signatory
Puckering, John lord keeper signatory
Buckle, Cuthbert lord mayor of London correspondent, recipient
Cecil, Robert secretary of state signatory

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Event Type

  • cultural context
  • performance restraint

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