Viewing Event Record: The Earl of Dorset leases the Salisbury Court property to John Herne


The Earl of Dorset and his associates Sir Henry Compton and Sir John Sackville leases the Salisbury Court property (including the area already leased to Richard Gunnell and William Blagrave) to John Herne for sixty-one years at the nominal fee of one peppercorn a year. The lease stipulates that if the Earl, Compton, Sackville or their assigns pay Herne £950 plus interest on 16 July 1734, they may repossess the land and lease. The lease contains a detailed description of the Salisbury Court property, which consisted of a barn, courtyard and stable between Dorset House and Water Lane.

Date Event Recorded

From: 15 July 1629 (Source of claim: transcription)

Date Event Happened

From: 15 July 1629 (Source of claim: transcription)


Salisbury Court


Name Event Role(s) Document Role(s)
Herne, John leaseholder
Gunnell, Richard leaseholder
Blagrave, William leaseholder
Sackville, Edward lessor
Compton, Henry lessor
Sackville, John lessor

Event Type

  • playhouse business
  • playhouse context