Viewing Document Record: Collections towards Forming a History of the Now Obsolete Office of the Master of the Revels


Primary author(s)
Burn, Jacob Henry (compiler)
Collections towards Forming a History of the Now Obsolete Office of the Master of the Revels
Full title
Collections toward forming a History of the Now Obsolete Office of the Master of the Revels.

Other information

Yale Catalogue Description: Yale Finding Aid: Most of the Herbert records appear on pages 194-204. The first leaf is paginated 194 on both sides, then the correct pagination resumes from 195 on.

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Meta Type

  • secondary source

Citation Type

  • manuscript

Document Type

  • miscellany
  • records collection
  • scrapbook

Document Class

  • historical
  • theatrical

Production Auspices

  • single author


  • English

Country of Origin

  • England