Viewing Event Record: 'Queen of Aragon' is performed at Whitehall by the Lord Chamberlain's family servants


Henry Herbert records that on 9 April 1640 the Lord Chamberlain (Philip Herbert, Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery) sponsored and paid for a performance of William Habington's 'Cleodora, Queen of Aragon' at Whitehall for the king and queen. The play was performed 'by my lords servants our of his own family' [rather than the King's Men, to whom the play was licensed] and acted a second time after royal approbation.

Date Event Recorded

From: 9 April 1640 (Source of claim: transcription)

Date Event Happened

From: 9 April 1640 (Source of claim: transcription)



Name Event Role(s) Document Role(s)
Stuart, Charles I King audience member
Herbert, Philip Lord Chamberlain patron
Herbert, Henry Master of the Revels
of France, Henrietta Maria Queen audience member
Habington, William playwright cousin

Event Type

  • performance