
Conference Papers and Sessions, and Publications relating to Early Modern London Theatres

Invited and Conference Papers (chronological order)

Sally-Beth MacLean, 'Digital REED: Moving Early Modern Theatre Online', Renaissance Society of America, Chicago (April 2008).

Jessica Freeman, 'Evidence from Middlesex? Players and Playhouses: Musicians and Minstrels', International Medieval Congress, Leeds University (July 2008).

Tanya Hagen, 'The Shakespearean Stage in Published Documents, 1642–present: Introducing the London Theatres Bibliography', University of Southampton andShakespeare’s Globe (Nov 2008).

Jessica Freeman, 'The Suburbs of London or the County of Middlesex: Locating the Playhouse, 1520-1640', Medieval English Theatre Conference, Royal Holloway, London (March 2009).

Tanya Hagen, 'REED’s London Theatres Bibliography and the Archival Record of the Early English Stage', Renaissance Society of America, Los Angeles (March 2009).

Michele Pasin, 'Meaning and Structure in the London Theatres Bibliography', Renaissance Society of America, Los Angeles (March 2009), and at Medieval English Theatre Conference, Royal Holloway, London (March 2009).

Toby Malone, 'Staging the Archive: Production Dramaturgy and the London Theatres Bibliography', Renaissance Society of America, Los Angeles (March 2009).

Jessica Freeman, 'Pre-Restoration Middlesex Playhouses, Entertainers & Audiences', Shakespeare’s Globe (November 2009).

John J McGavin, 'The London Theatres Bibliography: the design and testing of an arts database', Early Career Researchers' Conference 'Music, Literature, Illustration: Collaboration and networks in English manuscript culture, 1500 – 1700', Chawton House Library (February 2010).

Jessica Freeman, 'Players and Playhouses in Tudor London and Middlesex', Medieval and Tudor London Seminar, Institute of Historical Research, London, (June 2010).

Jason Boyd, 'Records, Datasets, Networks: Connecting Records of Early English Drama with the Web', Conference of the Canadian Society for Digital Humanities / Société pour l'étude des médias interactifs, Montreal, Canada (June 2010).

Michele Pasin, 'Data integration perspectives from the London Theatres Bibliography project', Conference of the Canadian Society for Digital Humanities / Société pour l'étude des médias interactifs, Montreal, Canada (June 2010).

Sally-Beth MacLean, 'Records, Datasets, Networks: Mapping Records of Early English Drama for the Web', Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Concordia University (June 2010).

John Bradley, 'Mapping the London Theatre Bibliography: Structure and Geography', International Medieval Congress, Leeds University (July 2010).

Christie Carson, 'The London Theatres Bibliography Online: Exploring Multiple Histories', International Medieval Congress, Leeds University (July 2010) and revised version at symposium on Digital Humanities, University of Alabama (March 2011).

Sally-Beth McLean, 'Mapping Early English Theatre', International Medieval Congress, Leeds University (July 2010).

John Bradley, 'EMLoT and the future: Mapping and GIS', Colloquium for the launch of EMLoT, Shakespeare's Globe, London (February 2011).

Jessica Freeman, 'An Overview: Eight Middlesex Pre-Restoration Theatres', Colloquium for the launch of EMLoT, Shakespeare's Globe, London (February 2011).

Christopher Hicklin, 'Primary Documents and Web-Based Learning: The Cockpit Theatre Riot of 1617', Colloquium for the launch of EMLoT, Shakespeare's Globe, London (February 2011).

Timothy Hill, 'Textflow: Visualising Metadata', Colloquium for the launch of EMLoT, Shakespeare's Globe, London (February 2011).

Michele Pasin, 'Research Challenges in EMLoT: a Digital Humanities Perspective', Colloquium for the launch of EMLoT, Shakespeare's Globe, London (February 2011).

John J McGavin, 'Early Modern London Theatres' workshop, Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Culture, University of Southampton (February 2011).

John Bradley, 'Analytic Project work at CCH', Übungsraum des Instituts für Alte Geschichte, University of Vienna (February 2011).

John Bradley, 'What is this thing called REED? Capturing and expressing REED's essence in a digital future', University of Toronto symposium Envisioning REED in the Digital Age, Toronto, Canada (April 2011).

Sessions Organised

Sally-Beth MacLean (Organizer and Chair), REED in Transition: Theatre History Research Tools for the Future, Renaissance Society of America conference, Chicago (April 2008).

Sally-Beth MacLean (Organizer and Chair), London Theatres Bibliography: Introducing a New Online Resource, 'New Technologies and Renaissance Studies' strand, Renaissance Society of America, Los Angeles (March 2009).

John J McGavin (Organiser and Chair), Colloquium for launch of EMLoT website and AHRC project REED Middlesex / Westminster: Eight London Theatres north of the Thames, Shakespeare's Globe (February 2011).


Tanya Hagen, Sally-Beth MacLean and Michele Pasin, 'Moving Early Modern Theatre Online: The Records of Early English Drama introduces the Early Modern London Theatres Website', New Technologies in the Renaissance 2, ed. Tassie Gniady, Kristina McAbee, and Jessica Murphy, (Iter Inc./ACMRS, 2014), 91-114.

Sally-Beth MacLean and Alan Somerset, 'From Patrons Website to REED Online', Medieval and Renaissance Drama in England 24 (2011), 25-37.