Viewing Person Record: Sir John Astley


Master of the Revels
Event: 'The Welsh Traveller' is licensed for the Revels Company
Master of the Revels
Event: 'The Black Lady' is licensed to Lady Elizabeth's Men
Master of the Revels
Event: Sir Henry Herbert lists the chief players at the Phoenix
Master of the Revels
Event: 'The Valiant Scholar' is licensed to the Lady Elizabeth's Men
Master of the Revels
Event: Henry Herbert confiscates 'The Martyred Soldier' from the Lady Elizabeth's Men at the Cockpit
Master of the Revels
Event: 'The Child hath found his Father' is licensed to the Prince's Men at the Curtain
Master of the Revels
Event: 'Dutch Painter and French Brank' is licensed to the Prince's Men at the Curtain
Master of the Revels
Event: 'Love's Royal Reward' is licensed to the Prince's Men at the Curtain
Master of the Revels
Event: Prince Charles' Men perform 'A Vow and a Good One' at Whitehall
Master of the Revels
Event: Fletcher's 'The Sea Voyage' is licensed for the Globe
Master of the Revels
Event: The Swan hosts a fencing prize
Master of the Revels
Event: Sir John Astley receives a New Year's gratuity from the King's Men
Master of the Revels
Event: The King's Men perform 'The Alchemist' at Whitehall
Master of the Revels
Event: Sir John Astley licenses 'The Spanish Curate,' performed at the Blackfriars
Master of the Revels
Event: The King's Men perform 'The Spanish Curate' at Whitehall
Master of the Revels
Event: The King's Men perform 'The Beggar's Bush' at Whitehall
Master of the Revels
Event: The King's Men perform 'The Pilgrim' at Whitehall
Master of the Revels
Event: The King's Men perform 'The Winter's Tale' at Whitehall
Master of the Revels
Event: Sir John Astley licenses 'Osmond the Great Turk'

Active Dates

From: 7 May 1622

Other info

Master of the Revels, March 1622-July 1623.