Viewing Event Record: Lord Chamberlain requests that justices of the peace in Chester and Lancaster apprehend the assailants of Henslowe's deputies


The Earl of Suffolk and Lord Chamberlain sends a request to Thomas Dutton, John Ireland, Thomas Brooke, Edward Stanley, Thomas Marbery, and John Ashton, justices of the peace in the counties of Chester and Lancaster, to examine and punish 'one Lanthome', Richard Penkith, RIchard Massy and his servant, Ralph Barnes, and others involved in an assault upon the deputies of Philip Henslowe 'in the execucion of his comission for taking vp of dogges' in those counties.

Date Event Recorded

From: 13 July 1613 (Source of claim: original)

Date Event Happened

From: 13 July 1613 (Source of claim: original)


Bear Garden


Name Event Role(s) Document Role(s)
Howard, Thomas Lord Chamberlain
Latham, John assailant
Penkith, Richard assailant
Massy, Richard assailant
Barnes, Ralph assailant
Ireland, John justice of the peace
Dutton, Thomas justice of the peace
Brooke, Thomas justice of the peace
Stanley, Edward justice of the peace
Marburie, Thomas justice of the peace
Ashton, John justice of the peace
Henslowe, Philip master of the King's game