Viewing Event Record: Chancery, John Henslowe vs Edward Alleyn et al: The papers submitted by Alleyn in April have now been seen by and distributed amongst the legatees


In April 1620, Edward Alleyn is ordered by the Chancery court to submit all documents in his possession relating to the John Henslowe suit. The following December, the court records that the documents have now been viewed by and distributed amongst the legatees, including Phillip Henslowe, heir to John Henslowe, and Ann Parsons. Mary Addington alone is not present in the company.

Date Event Recorded

From: 4 December 1620 (Source of claim: undefined)

Date Event Happened

From: 4 December 1620 (Source of claim: undefined)


Bear Garden
Fortune (I)


Name Event Role(s) Document Role(s)
Alleyn, Edward defendant
Henslowe, William legatee
Henslowe, Jr, Philip legatee
Parsons, Ann legatee
Addington, Mary legatee

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Event Type

  • court case
  • playhouse context