Viewing Event Record: Chancery, John Henslowe vs Edward Alleyn et al: Mr Moore reports on John Henslowe's claim


Following Philip Henslowe's death, his nephew John Henslowe charges Edward Alleyn, Agnes Henslowe, and Roger Cole[s] with having suppressed a former will, and with the criminal misrepresentation of his uncle Henslowe's estate. The Chancery suit provides valuable details concerning Henslowe's property in Surrey. On 26 January, Mr Moore -- one of the Masters of the Court -- reports that Agnes Henslowe had indeed conveyed four other leases to 'trusted parties,' and that in his opinion, Alleyn himself had 'cunningly [sought] to retayne in his handes the principall leases & writinges belonging to thestate of the said Henslowe.'

Date Event Recorded

From: 26 January 1617 (Source of claim: original)

Date Event Happened

From: 1616 (Source of claim: transcription)


Fortune (I)
Bear Garden


Name Event Role(s) Document Role(s)
Moore, Richard Master in Chancery
Henslowe, Philip deceased
Henslowe, Agnes defendant executrix
Alleyn, Edward defendant
Gardiner, Stephen leaseholder
Henslowe, John plaintiff

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Event Type

  • court case
  • will