Viewing Event Record: A petition is made to the Earl of Dorset concerning the lease of Salisbury Court


Elizabeth Heton, William Wintersall and Mary Young speak on behalf of themselves and their predecessors in a petition to the Earl of Dorset. Some thirty years ago, their predecessors took a lease of the present Earl's father for an old barn standing in Salisbury Court. They were covenanted to spend £800 in converting the barn into a playhouse, and to pay on this a rent of £100 per annum for the term of forty-one years. This was duly paid 'until the profits and privileges of the said house were absolutely taken from your petitioners and they made incapable of continuing the said payment.' They add that they have spent nearly £1,200 on building the playhouse, and an additional £300 in rent since the house was taken from them.

Date Event Recorded

From: circa 1657 To: circa 1658 (Source of claim: transcription)

Date Event Happened

From: circa 1629 To: circa 1630 (Source of claim: transcription)


Salisbury Court


Name Event Role(s) Document Role(s)
Sackville, Edward lessor father
Sackville, Richard petitionee
Heton, Elizabeth petitioner playhouse sharer, widow
Young, Mary petitioner playhouse sharer, widow
Wintersall, William petitioner player, playhouse sharer
Herbert, Henry playhouse sharer Master of the Revels

Event Type

  • petition
  • playhouse business
  • playhouse context