Viewing Event Record: The prologue for 'Holland's Leaguer' compares Salisbury Court to the Globe and Phoenix


The prologue to 'Holland's Leaguer' situates the Salisbury Court theatre in relation to its competitors at the Globe and Phoenix. Salisbury Court is 'New planted in this soyle; forsooke of late / By the Inhabitants, since made fortunate / By more propitious starres,' alluding to the departed King's Revels company who may have moved to the Fortune. Of the other theatres it says, 'two great Lawrels stand; / The one, when she shall please to spread her traine, / The vastnesse of the Globe cannot containe; / Th'other so high, the Phoenix does aspire / To build in, and takes new life from the fire / Bright Poesie creates[.]'

Date Event Recorded

From: 1632 (Source of claim: original)

Date Event Happened

From: before 1632 (Source of claim: externally supplied)

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Event Type

  • company context
  • performance
  • playhouse context
  • staging context