Viewing Event Record: King's Bench, Allen v Burbage: A Latin summary outlines the case


After Cuthbert Burbage wins his Requests court case against Giles Allen, Allen launches a suit against Burbage in the court of King's Bench. In this case, Allen accuses the Burbages of having failed to keep the terms of the original lease. The surviving summary outlines Allen's complaint and quotes from the original lease of 13 April 1576, which defines the extent of the property in question. The summary further records that on 17 September 1579 James assigned his interest in the land to John Hyde. Then, on 7 June 1589, John Hyde assigned his interest and terms in the Theatre property to Cuthbert Burbage. Allen argues that the Burbages did not keep the buildings in good repair and so were in violation of the terms of the lease, while Cuthbert argues that the buildings were repaired and improved.

Date Event Recorded

From: Spring 1602 (Source of claim: transcription)

Date Event Happened

From: Spring 1602 (Source of claim: transcription)




Name Event Role(s) Document Role(s)
Burbage, Cuthbert defendant leaseholder
Burbage, James leaseholder joiner
Hyde, John leaseholder
Allen, Giles plaintiff lessor
Tanner, John plaintiff's counsel
Harrison, Joan tenant widow
Dragon, John tenant
Garnett, William tenant gardener
Colfoxe, Ewan tenant weaver
Dancaster, Thomas tenant shoemaker
Dotridge, Alice tenant widow
Brackenbury, Richard tenant
Manners, Edward tenant
Richardes, Hugh tenant innholder
Stoughton, Robert tenant butcher
Allen, Sara wife

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Event Type

  • court case
  • playhouse context