Viewing EMLoT Transcription Record:
Primary Source Transcribed
- Primary author(s)
- Title
- TNA: KB 27/1373/1
- Publication Year
- 1602 (Source of claim: externally supplied)
- Page/folio/ membrane(s)
- mb 257
Primary Source as Cited in Secondary Source
- Authors
- Title / MS reference
- Queen's Bench, Easter, 44 Elizabeth (1602) membrane 257
- Page/Folio/ Membrane(s)
- membrane 257
- Transcription notes
- contractions expanded in italics; fully transcribed; Latin contractions expanded; Latin passage without English translation; original spelling and punctuation retained
- Transcription Record notes
- An abridged English summary of this record is given in Charlotte Stopes, 'Burbage and Shakespeare's Stage', pp 217-19.