Viewing EMLoT Transcription Record: 9643

Location of Transcription (in Secondary Source)

Primary author(s)
Brock, Susan; Honigmann, Ernst A.J.
Playhouse Wills, 1558–1642
Publication Year
1993 (Source of claim: original)
Page/folio/ membrane(s)

Primary Source Transcribed

Primary author(s)
TNA: PROB 10/545
Publication Year
January 1636 - February 1636 (Source of claim: transcription)

Primary Source as Cited in Secondary Source

Title / MS reference
PRO PROB10/545


Transcription notes
contractions expanded in italics; fully transcribed; illegible passages indicated by ellipses; original additions indicated by brackets; original deletions indicated by brackets; original spelling and punctuation retained
Transcription Record notes
The registry for Shanks' will is TNA: PROB 11/170/78.

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