Viewing EMLoT Transcription Record: 9578

Location of Transcription (in Secondary Source)

Primary author(s)
Kathman, David
Grocers, Goldsmiths, and Drapers: Freemen and Apprentices in the Elizabethan Theater
Publication Year
Spring 2004 (Source of claim: original)
Page/folio/ membrane(s)

Primary Source Transcribed

Primary author(s)
Corporation of London Record Office, Mayor's Court Original Bills, MC1-53
Publication Year
11 August 1631 (Source of claim: transcription)

Primary Source as Cited in Secondary Source

Title / MS reference
Corporation of London Record Office, Mayor's Court Original Bills, MC1-53
Page/Folio/ Membrane(s)
membrane 54


Transcription notes
English translation of French original; excerpted and rearranged to serve a documentary narrative; original spelling and punctuation retained