Viewing Troupe Record: Children of the Queen's Revels (1604-c1614)

Name, as appears in Primary Sources

Children of the Queenes Mates Revelles
in event: Requests, Robert Keysar vs Richard Burbage et al: The defense submits answer
Children of the Revells to the Queene
in event: Edward Kirkham et al are licensed to train up a company of children: the patent
Children of the Revells to the Queene
in event: Robert Daborne, Philip Rosseter, et al receive a patent to form a children's company based at the ...
Children of the Revells to the Queene
in event: Chancery, Kirkham vs Daniel: Edward Kirkham and Ann Kendall file a complaint against Samuel Daniel
Children of the Revels to the Queen
in event: Edward Kirkham et al are licensed to train up a company of children: the signet bill
Chilldren of her Revells
in event: Requests, Keysar vs Burbage et al: The plaintiff submits a replication
Chilldren of the Queenes matyes Revells
in event: Requests, Robert Keysar vs Richard Burbage et al: The bill of complaint
children of the Revells for the tyme being of the Queens Maiestie
in event: Philip Rosseter secures a patent to build a new playhouse in the Blackfriars precinct
her Maiesties Reuels
in event: Professional players perform in 'The Magnificent Entertainment'
the Children of her Maiesties Reuels
in event: The title-page of the 1612 edition of 'A Woman is a Weathercock' claims the play was performed ...
the Children of the revells to the Queenes Maiestie
in event: King's Bench, Kendall vs Cooke: The plea quotes the indenture according to which Abell Cooke was apprenticed ...
the Queenes Cheldren
in event: Chancery, Kirkham vs Evans et al: Edward Kirkham submits his replication
the Queenes Ma[jes]ties Children of her Revells
in event: Chancery, Evans vs Kirkham: Evans responds to Kirkham's statement

Active Dates

From: 2 September 1600 To: Saturday 9 June 1620 (Source of claim: undefined)


Denmark, Anne of (1574-1618/9)


AKA Children of Blackfriars, Children of Whitefriars

Related Events

Troupe type

  • boy players

Country of origin

  • England