Viewing Person Record: John Alleyn

Name, as appears in Primary Sources

Johne Allen late of the parishe of St Buttholphes wthout Bishops gate London ffree of the company of the Jnholders of london
Event: Chancery, Brayne v Burbage: John Alleyn deposes
John Allen of the parishe of St Buttoles wthout Bishops gate london Jnholder
Event: Chancery, Brayne v Burbage: John Alleyn deposes
John Allen
Event: Chancery, Brayne v Burbage: The court issues an order to proceed with depositions over contempt
John Allen
Event: Sir William Stuart acquits the Mastership of the King's Game to Henslowe and Alleyn
John Allyn
Event: Henslowe and Alleyn contract with Peter Street for the rebuilding of Paris Garden
John Allene
Event: John Alleyn purchases a cloak and robe

Active Dates

From: 12 July 1578 To: 3 September 1607