Viewing Event Record: Chancery, Brayne v Burbage: The interrogatories for Hyde and Clough


Margaret Brayne sues James and Cuthbert Burbage in Chancery court over her share of the Theatre playhouse profits. James and Cuthbert Burbage submit eleven questions to be asked of witnesses on their behalf: John Hyde, grocer, and George Clough, clothworker (and Hyde's father-in-law). The interrogatories are undated, but must be before 8 December 1590, when Hyde and Clough deposed. The questions elaborate on the financial dealings between James Burbage and John Brayne, and provide details of the Theatre lease and division of playhouse profits. Hyde and Clough both lent money to Brayne and Burbage to finance the operation of the Theatre. Burbage asks whether Brayne kept profits of the playhouse for himself while in default to Hyde and Clough. Burbage asks how much money Hyde and Clough received from sending their own servants to collect £5 a week at the Theatre, since Brayne would not pay them directly. Burbage then asks whether Hyde and Clough sold their interest in the lease of the Theatre to Cuthbert Burbage at the entreaty of Walter Cope, a gentleman of the lord treasurer.

Date Event Recorded


Date Event Happened

From: Autumn 1590 (Source of claim: transcription)




Name Event Role(s) Document Role(s)
Burbage, James defendant
Burbage, Cuthbert defendant
Hyde, John deponent grocer, money lender, son-in-law
Clough, George deponent father-in-law, gentleman, money lender
Cope, Walter lord treasurer's gentleman
Prynne, John mortgage broker
Brayne, Margaret plaintiff widow
Brayne, John playhouse financier
Allen, Giles property holder
Allen, Sara wife

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