Viewing Event Record: Chancery, Brayne v Burbage: The court issues an order to determine whether the defendant's demurrer is sufficient


Margaret Brayne counter-sues the Burbages in Chancery court over their efforts to prevent her from claiming her share of the Theatre playhouse profits. A court order is one of the few surviving documents in the case; the bill and answers are not extant. The order appoints Sir Julius Caesar to examine whether the defendants' demurrer is sufficient, or whether the Burbages should be subpoenaed to answer fully.

Date Event Recorded

From: 21 May 1590 (Source of claim: original)

Date Event Happened

From: 21 May 1590 (Source of claim: original)




Name Event Role(s) Document Role(s)
Caesar, Julius Master in Chancery
Burbage, James defendant
Burbage, Cuthbert defendant
Burbage, Richard defendant
Brayne, Margaret plaintiff

Event Type

  • court case
  • playhouse business
  • playhouse context