Viewing Event Record: Star Chamber, Clifton v Robinson et al: Clifton states his case


In a Star Chamber suit between Henry Clifton and Henry Evans, Nathaniel Giles and James Robinson, Clifton accuses the defendants of having 'vnduly & vniustly taken diuers & seuerall children' from schools and apprenticeships, including his son Thomas, Nathan Field, and several other boys, to 'acte & furnish' plays and interludes at the Blackfriars playhouse. He accuses Giles of misusing the 'letters patents.' On 13 December 1600, Clifton claims, the accused men waylaid Thomas with 'greate force & vyolence' as the boy was on his way to school. When Clifton went to the playhouse to recover his son, the three refused to release Thomas; rather, they gave the boy a part to learn, and committed him to Evans' custody, threatening that he 'should be surely whipped' if he failed to obey. The boy remained at the theatre for a day and a half, until 'sett at lyberty and freed' by the warrant of Sir John Fortescue, a privy councillor.

Date Event Recorded

From: 15 December 1601 (Source of claim: transcription)

Date Event Happened

From: 13 December 1600 To: 14 December 1600 (Source of claim: transcription)


Blackfriars (II)


Name Event Role(s) Document Role(s)
Fortescue, John Privy Councillor
Giles, Nathan defendant master of the children of her Highness's chapel
Robinson, James defendant
Evans, Henry defendant
Mulcaster, Richard master
Giles, Thomas master
Chambers, Richard master
Chambers, George master
Peerce, ––– master
Clifton, Henry plaintiff father
Clifton, Thomas son victim
Chappell, John victim
Motteram, John victim
Field, Nathan victim
Trussell, Avery victim apprentice
Pykman, George victim apprentice
Grymes, Thomas victim apprentice
Pavy, Salomon victim

Event Type

  • company business
  • company context
  • court case
  • cultural context
  • kidnapping
  • player context
  • playhouse context