Viewing Event Record: Chancery, Kirkham vs Evans et al: Kirkham states his case


Edward Kirkham sues Henry Evans, Edward Paunton, Richard Burbadge and John Heminges in Chancery court. His bill of complaint outlines the terms under which he and his associates, Thomas Kendall and William Rastell, acquired the sublease on the Blackfriars property. In 1600 Evans leased the Blackfriars property from Burbage and Heminges for a term of 21 years, for the sum of 400l to be paid out in equal shares over the tenure of the contract. In 1601 he entered into an agreement with Kirkham, Kendall, and Rastell. Evans assigned half the lease and half the profits of the property to Kirkham and his associates in exchange for around 400l of work on the premises. Kirkham and his associates then demised their share of the lease and profits to Evans' associate Alexander Hawkins, 'vpon the trust and confidence that he, the said Hawkins, his executors or assignes should, at all time and times, at the, at the request of your said oratour and the said Rastall and Kendall, or either of them should reassure the said leas and proffitts thereof to your said orator, Rastall and Kendall, or the suruivour of them accordinge to the foresaid agreem[en]t.' Upon Evans' request, Hawkins made over the profits of the lease in his trust to Mrs Evans, Henry Evans' wife and Hawkins' mother-in-law. Without Hawkins' knowledge, she in turn handed the lease over to Evans, Burbage, and Heminges, with the result that for the past four years Evans and his associates have been receiving the profits of the lease which were meant to be turned over to Kirkham and his associates. Rastell and Kendall are now deceased, so the profits are owed to Kirkham alone. As a further complication, however, Hawkins died intestate in 1610. Anne Hawkins, his widow, has since married Edward Paunton, who now claims interest in the profits of the lease which rightfully belong to Kirkham. Kirkham requests that Evans and his associated be subpoenaed and made to answer to his charges.

Date Event Recorded

From: 1 July 1612 (Source of claim: original)

Date Event Happened

From: 1 July 1612 (Source of claim: original)


Blackfriars (II)


Name Event Role(s) Document Role(s)
Egerton, Thomas Lord Chancellor
Burbage, Richard defendant
Evans, Henry defendant
Paunton, Edward defendant
Kirkham, Edward plaintiff
Hawkins, Anne widow
Evans, ––– wife