Edward Kirkham responds to Henry Evans' complaint. His answer provides further details of the Blackfriars lease and property. Kirkham admits that the details regarding Evans' lease from Burbage are true, as well as those pertaining to Evans' sublease to himself and his partners. He denies that he and his company damaged the property, however, and argues instead that they were 'inforced to disburse and laie out for diuerse ymploiments the somme of three hundred poundes at the leaste.' After this, Kirkham claims, 'the compleinant vniustlie turned the said def[endan]tes out of the said howse.' He is suing Evans, not out of malice, but for the breach of their contract. Kirkham observes that he has lost 'threskore pounds per annum for fower yeares a the feast of St Michaell Tharchangell next coming and is like if the pl[aintiff] maie preuaile in his iniurious courses to loose the profit of the said howse and premisses for the terme yet to come being full tenne [nine] yeares.' He asks the court to dimiss Evans' suit and to be reimbursed for his charges.
Name | Event Role(s) | Document Role(s) |
Richardson, Thomas | court recorder | |
Kirkham, Edward | defendant | lessor |
Evans, Henry | plaintiff | leaseholder |
Burbage, Richard | property holder |