Viewing Event Record: The St Dunstan in the West parish registers record the death of 'Gerry, out of the playe howse in ye ffryers,' and his son and wife


The parish registers of St Dunstan in the West record the burial, 29 September, of 'Gerry, out of the playe howse in ye ffryers,' and his son Francis. His wife is buried the next day, 30 September. These are three of four records from the parish registers to confirm that the Whitefriars theatre was established by 1607.

Date Event Recorded

From: 29 September 1607 To: 30 September 1607 (Source of claim: original)




Name Event Role(s) Document Role(s)
'out of the playhouse', Gerry deceased
–––, Francis deceased
of Gerry, wife deceased