Viewing Event Record: Sebastian Westcott makes his will


Sebastian Westcott, master and 'Almener of the Cathedrall Churche of St Pawle,' makes his will on 3 April 1582; the will is proved 14 April. Westcott's many bequests include 10s to 'Pole the keper of the gate' and 10s to 'Shepard that kepeth the dore at Playes.'

Date Event Recorded

From: 3 April 1582 To: 14 April 1582 (Source of claim: original)

Date Event Happened

From: 3 April 1582 To: 14 April 1582 (Source of claim: original)


St Paul's (I)


Name Event Role(s) Document Role(s)
Westcott, George beneficiary brother
Boult, John beneficiary chorister
Giles, Thomas beneficiary clothier
Goodinow, Jaqnet beneficiary sister
Westcott, Andrew beneficiary nephew
Westcott, Roger beneficiary nephew
Westcott, Frances beneficiary nephew
Thornley, John beneficiary
Riche, Margaret beneficiary sister-in-law
Redford, Henry beneficiary
Farthing, Elizabeth beneficiary
Redford, Bartholomew beneficiary
Bluet, Thomas beneficiary
Barsey, Thomas beneficiary
Aundersone, Robert beneficiary
Aundersone, John beneficiary
Phillips, Peter beneficiary
Venge, Thomas beneficiary
Huse, Richard beneficiary child of the almonry house
Knight, Robert beneficiary child of the almonry house
Carleton, Nicholas beneficiary child of the almonry house
Bowring, Baylie beneficiary child of the almonry house
Bowring, Nasyon beneficiary child of the almonry house
Gregorye, Bowring beneficiary child of the almonry house
Good, ––– beneficiary widow
Kynborowghe, ––– beneficiary
Sowthcote, ––– beneficiary
Westcott, Elizabeth beneficiary sister-in-law, widow
Cooper, Edward beneficiary innocent
Gafford, William beneficiary
–––, Alice beneficiary
Smaley, ––– beneficiary
Walker, ––– beneficiary
Pole, ––– beneficiary gatekeeper
Shepard, ––– beneficiary doorkeeper
–––, Katheryn beneficiary maidservant
Evans, Henry costumer friend
Westcott, William deceased brother, deceased
Kydd, Justynian executor
Creake, Thomas notary public witness
Westcott, Sebastian testator Almoner
Ore, John witness
Paris, Raphe witness beneficiary

Related Primary Sources

Event Type

  • player context
  • playhouse context
  • will