Viewing Event Record: Dulwich College petitions Lord Keeper regarding rent from tenants of the Fortune


In a petition to the Lord Keeper, the Master, Warden, and fellows of Dulwich College request injunctions for unpaid rent from John Beale and the other tenants of the Fortune playhouse, who have been unable to pay despite previous orders to 'pay all their rent in arreare without any abatement'.

Date Event Recorded

From: 9 February 1640 (Source of claim: original)

Date Event Happened

From: 9 February 1640 (Source of claim: original)


Fortune (II)


Name Event Role(s) Document Role(s)
Alleyn, Edward deceased founder of Dulwich College
Littleton, Edward lord keeper petitionee
Alleyn, Mathias master of Dulwich College petitioner
Brome, George scrivener
Beale, John tenant disputant
Alleyn, Thomas warden of Dulwich College petitioner

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