Margaret Brayne sues James and Cuthbert Burbage in Chancery over her share of the Theatre playhouse profits. James and Cuthbert Burbage submit nine questions to be asked of the witnesses on their behalf – Henry Bett, Giles Allen, Brian Ellam, Richard Hudson, and William Clerke. The second, third, and fourth questions are only intended for Allen and concern Burbage's lease of the land on which the Theatre stands, and whether John Brayne was ever part of that lease. The fifth question is for Ellam, Hudson, and Clerke, and asks them to estimate the improvements Burbage made to the Theatre and adjoining property and whether Brayne paid for any of them. The last set of questions is for Bett, and asks him about the financial arrangements between Burbage and Brayne concerning the Theatre, the disputed arbitrament of July 1578, Burbage's mortgage default to John Hyde, and the purchase of the Theatre's mortgage by Cuthbert from Hyde. A note is attached to the interrogatories directing which questions were to be asked of each deponent.
Name | Event Role(s) | Document Role(s) |
Burbage, James | defendant | leaseholder |
Burbage, Cuthbert | defendant | leaseholder, playhouse owner |
Allen, Giles | deponent | gentleman, lessor |
Ellam, Bryan | deponent | plasterer |
Hudson, Richard | deponent | bricklayer, plasterer |
Clerke, William | deponent | carpenter, plasterer |
Bett, Henry | deponent | gentleman, scrivener |
Hyde, John | mortgage holder | grocer |
Brayne, Margaret | plaintiff | executrix |
Brayne, John | playhouse sharer |