Viewing Event Record: Chancery, Worth and Blaney vs Baskervile and Browne: Baxter deposes


Richard Baxter testifies in Ellis Worth and John Blaney's suit against Susan Baskervile and William Browne. Baxter deposes that he was hired by the Red Bull company at a rate of 10 shillings a week, but the amount fell when the receipts were small. He says that he did reckon his lost wages, hoping they would be made up at another time, but that no one in the company ever promised to to make those payments, but only made 'such an offer to him . . . which he accepted of.'

Date Event Recorded

From: 1623 (Source of claim: original)

Date Event Happened

From: before 1623 (Source of claim: original)


Red Bull


Name Event Role(s) Document Role(s)
Browne, William (III) defendant
Baxter, Richard deponent hired man
Worth, Ellis plaintiff
Blaney, John plaintiff
Baskervile, née Shawe, Susan plaintiff

Event Type

  • company business
  • company context
  • court case
  • player context
  • playhouse business
  • playhouse context