Viewing Event Record: Cast lists are printed for '1 and 2 The Fair Maid of the West'


The cast list for the revival of Thomas Heywood's '1 and 2 The Fair Maid of the West' by Queen Henrietta's Men at the Phoenix is printed in the 1631 quarto, which contains both plays. The list records that the part of the kitchen maid was played by Anthony Turner, a rare example of an adult actor playing a female role.

Date Event Recorded

From: 1631 (Source of claim: original)

Date Event Happened

From: before 1631 (Source of claim: original)




Name Event Role(s) Document Role(s)
Turner, Anthony player
Bowyer, Michael player
Perkins, Richard player
Clarke, Hugh player
Goade, Christopher player
Sherlocke, William player
Robbins, William player
Axen, Robert player
Allen, William player
Wilbraham, William player
Bird, Theophilus player
Sumpner, John player

Event Type

  • company context
  • performance context
  • player context