Viewing Event Record: Requests, Baskervile vs Rhodes: Gradwell and Hall testify


Henry Gradwell and William Hall, sharers in Prince Charles's (II) company at the Red Bull, testify in Susan Baskervile's suit against John and Ann Rhodes that Baskervile had regularly received 7 shillings a week for an apprentice who also belonged to Baskervile's deceased son William Browne.

Date Event Recorded

From: May 1635 (Source of claim: transcription)

Date Event Happened

From: before November 1634 (Source of claim: transcription)


Red Bull


Name Event Role(s) Document Role(s)
Rhodes, John defendant player, sharer
Rhodes, Anne defendant wife
Baskervile, née Shawe, Susan plaintiff
Browne, William (III) player
Gradwell, Henry witness player, sharer
Hall, William witness player, sharer

Event Type

  • company business
  • company context
  • court case
  • player context
  • playhouse business
  • playhouse context