Viewing Event Record: John Brayne dissatisfied with scaffolds built for the Red Lion; The Story of Sampson to be performed


A record of a court held by the Carpenter's Company to settle a dispute between John Brayne, grocer, and William Sylvester, carpenter, over the construction of the scaffolds for the Red Lion. William Buttermore, John Lyffe, William Snelling, and Richard Kirby, carpenters, are to survey the faults in the scaffolds, and Sylvester is charged with making repairs according to their recommendations. Brayne is to pay Sylvester £8 10s on Saturday July 19th, and, following the performance of 'The Story of Samson,' to deliver into Sylvester’s hands 'such bonds as are now in his custody for the performance of the bargain.'

Date Event Recorded

From: 15 July 1567 (Source of claim: transcription)

Date Event Happened

From: before 15 July 1567 (Source of claim: transcription)


Red Lion


Name Event Role(s) Document Role(s)
Ruddoke, William carpenter warden
More, Richard carpenter warden
Whreste, Henry carpenter warden
Smarte, Richard carpenter warden
Bradshaw, ––– carpenter
Sylvester, William carpenter defendant, playhouse builder
Buttermore, William carpenter
Lyffe, John carpenter
Snelling, William carpenter
Kyrby, Richard carpenter
Brayne, John playhouse builder grocer, plaintiff

Event Type

  • court case
  • performance
  • playhouse business
  • playhouse context
  • staging context