Viewing Event Record: Andrew Bello plays his fencing master's prize at the Theatre


Andrew Bello, aka Dwelly, played his master's prize at the Theatre in Holywell on 20 and 26 May 1585 at four weapons: the long sword, the sword and buckler, sword and dagger, and rapier and dagger. He played against six masters: John Devell, Valentine Longe, Richard Fletcher, Robert Blisse, William Mathewe, and Gregory Grene. Bello was admitted master under Francis Calvert.

Date Event Recorded

From: after 26 May 1585 (Source of claim: transcription)

Date Event Happened

From: 20 May 1585 To: 26 May 1585 (Source of claim: original)




Name Event Role(s) Document Role(s)
Bello, Andrew fencer master of Defence
Devell, John fencer master of Defence
Longe, Valentine fencer master of Defence
Fletcher, Richard fencer master of Defence
Blisse, Robert fencer master of Defence
Mathewes, William fencer master of Defence
Grene, Gregory fencer master of Defence
Calvert, Francis master of Defence

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Event Type

  • fencing
  • playhouse context