Viewing Event Record: Articles of inquiry in Bishop Bancroft's visitation raise questions about the use of the cloisters


Articles of inquiry addressed to officers of St Paul's as part of Bishop Bancroft's 1598–9 visitation raise questions about the use of the cloisters. The responses offer insight into the possible location of the playhouse. Article 11 asks how the upper cloister in the chapter house is used, and whether there is 'any extraordinarie dore for any private mans use made into it.' Article 12 queries who has custody of the lower cloisters, how the 'shrowdes' are employed (and 'by whome and whose license'), and whether the buildings have a door made into them for 'any private mans use.'

Date Event Recorded

From: 23 April 1599 (Source of claim: original)

Date Event Happened

From: 23 April 1599 (Source of claim: undefined)


St Paul's (II)

Event Type

  • playhouse context