Viewing Event Record: Raynold Chunnell, a bell ringer, has licence from Thomas Giles to occupy the little house in the lower shrouds: Richard Smythe


Richard Smith testifies in Bishop Bancroft's 1598 visitation of St Paul's. He responds to a question about the custody and use of the 'lower Cloisters' and 'shrowdes.' Smith testifies that the shrouds house a small building erected by 'mr Heydon one of the petye Cannons,' at the consent of 'mr benbowe being then Alm[o]ner,' 'which house Raynold Chunnell Inioyethe by lycence of mr Gyles.' Scholars have used Smith's testimony to locate the playhouse in the lower shrouds, but Berry, 'Playhouse,' disputes this claim.

Date Event Recorded

From: 22 October 1599 (Source of claim: original)

Date Event Happened

From: 22 October 1599 (Source of claim: original)


St Paul's (II)

Event Type

  • playhouse context