Viewing Event Record: A 'freemartin' performs at the Theatre (or a boy delivers a prologue)?


The Elizabethan diarist Richard Madox reports that he 'went to theater to see a scurvie play set out al by one virgin, which there proved a fyemarten [freemartin] without voice, so that we stayed not the matter.' A freemartin – a term from animal husbandry – is an infertile female with masculine characteristics. Madox's comment has been interpreted as evidence that a woman performed at the Theatre, but it may refer to a poor performance by a boy player. The comment that the play was 'set out al by one virgin' may refer to a boy player delivering the prologue.

Date Event Happened

From: 22 February 1582 (Source of claim: original)




Name Event Role(s) Document Role(s)
Madox, Richard playgoer

Event Type

  • cultural context
  • performance
  • performance context