Viewing Event Record: The lord mayor asks the privy council to pull down the Theatre and Curtain but Burbage resists; violence at the Theatre


William Fleetwood, recorder of London, writes to the lord treasurer, describing a number of recents events regarding the Theatre and the Curtain playhouses. On the advice of one of the Queen's players, Fleetwood ordered the owner of the Theatre (James Burbage) to be arrested, but Burbage refused because he was 'my Lo of hunsdons man.' He did agree to bind himself to appear at the sessions of oyer and terminer,' where he said that he was sure the court 'would not bind him.' Fleetwood notes that Burbage is due to appear before the sessions tomorrow, and is convinced that Burbage will be bound, or worse. Fleetwood writes that 'very nere the Theatre or Curten at the tyme of the Playes' a gentleman, Challes, disturbed an apprentice sleeping the field and they soon fell to blows. The altercation escalated so that many apprentices threatened to riot the next day, and many were arrested. Fleetwood also describes another altercation at the Theatre door between a serving man named Browne and 'certain poor boys, handicraft apprentices.' A crowd of 1,050 gathered to witness the quarrel. Browne, the aggressor, attempted to escape but was 'taken after.'

Date Event Recorded

From: 18 June 1584 (Source of claim: original)

Date Event Happened

From: 10 June 1584 To: 18 June 1584 (Source of claim: original)




Arundel's Men
Queen's Men


Name Event Role(s) Document Role(s)
Howard, Charles Lord Chamberlain
Fleetwood, William Recorder of London
Cecil, William correspondent
Challes, ––– gentleman
Young, John justice of the peace
Carey, Henry master
Howard, Philip patron
Burbage, James playhouse owner
Browne, ––– servant
Hatton, Christopher vice-chamberlain

Event Type

  • arrest
  • company context
  • company restraint
  • cultural context
  • dispute
  • player context
  • playhouse business
  • playhouse context
  • playhouse restraint
  • public disturbance