Viewing Event Record: Alleyn leases shares to finance the rebuilding of the Fortune


Edward Alleyn leases shares to finance the rebuilding of the Fortune to several members of the Palsgrave's Men and others. He divides the ownership of the playhouse and its grounds into twelve parts, and leases Charles Massey, an actor, a twelfth and twenty-fourth share in the playhouse. The lease provides a description of the Fortune playhouse and property, and identifies the remaining sharers in the property, as well as the size of their respective shares, as follows: Thomas Wigpitt (1/2), Anthony Jarman (1), Thomas Sparkes (1), William Gwalter (2), Richard Gunnell (1), Charles Massey (1 1/2), Richard Price (1/2), Adam Islipp (1), John Fisher (1/2), Edward Jackson (1), and Frances Juby, widow (1/2). The contract stipulates a term of fifty-one years, beginning 24 June 1622, at a rent of £5 6s 11d. Massey is to pay Jarman and Wigpitt a further £41 13s 4d toward the construction of the new playhouse. He is responsible for a proportionate amount of the repairs, and is bound not to alter the playhouse in any way, or to use it as anything other than a playhouse.

Date Event Recorded

From: 20 May 1622 (Source of claim: original)

Date Event Happened

From: 20 May 1622 (Source of claim: original)


Fortune (II)


Palsgrave's Men


Name Event Role(s) Document Role(s)
Alleyn, Edward playhouse owner
Massey, Charles playhouse sharer gentleman, player
Jarman, Anthony playhouse sharer carpenter, citizen
Wigpitt, Thomas playhouse sharer bricklayer, citizen
Sparkes, Thomas playhouse sharer citizen, merchant tailor
Gwalter, William playhouse sharer citizen
Gunnell, Richard playhouse sharer gentleman
Price, Richard playhouse sharer gentleman
Islipp, Adam playhouse sharer stationer
Fisher, John playhouse sharer barber surgeon
Jackson, Edward playhouse sharer gentleman
Juby, Frances playhouse sharer widow
Parson, John suitor
Brigham, Mark tenant
Russell, John tenant
Bird, William tenant
Garrell, William tenant
Smith, Henry tenant
Underwood, Henry witness
Alleyn, Mathias witness

Event Type

  • company business
  • playhouse business
  • playhouse context