Viewing Event Record: King's Bench, Woodford v Pearce: The court awards Woodford damages in his assault case against Pearce


A court case involving Thomas Woodford and Edmund Pearce anticipates a change in the leadership of the Children of Paul's. Thomas Woodford sues Edmund Pearce, Master of the Children of St Paul's, for damages, claiming that Peers assaulted him, wounding him badly 'so that he despaired of his life.' On 20 June, 1606, the court awarded Woodford 20 marks in damages; Pearce was subsequently taken into custody.

Date Event Recorded

From: 1606 To: 1606 (Source of claim: original)

Date Event Happened

From: 2 December 1604 (Source of claim: original)


St Paul's (II)

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Event Type

  • court case
  • playhouse context