Viewing Event Record: The 'platt' of '2 Seven Deadly Sins' provides details of cast and staging


A 'platt' or large outline of the entrances and exits of characters and players exists for the lost play '2 Seven Deadly Sins' as probably performed sometime in the 1590s. In addition to the actors listed for this event, actors named Harry, Kit, Vincent, Saunder, Nick, Ned, and Will also appear in the platt.



Name Event Role(s) Document Role(s)
Slye, William player
Phillips, Augustine player
Pope, Thomas player
Cowley, Richard player
Duke, John player
Burbage, Richard player
Sincler, John player
Bryan, George player
Goodale, Thomas player
Holland, John player
Belt, Thomas player
Gough, Robert player

Event Type

  • company context
  • performance
  • performance context
  • player context
  • staging context